American blueberry plantation
1. Why blueberry?
Blueberry has a great interest amongst growers and consumers because of its tasty, attractive berries. Shrubs can be grown on mineral and organic soils. Mineral Soils of IV, V and VI, class are a good place for blueberries. In Poland, we have a large percentage of these soils. A plantation of blueberries can be a good idea to use their potential as a source of additional income for small growers, or as the basis for the operation of a larger holding.
2. Biology
Shoots are raised, they grow out of buds at the base of the plant, and at one year old are greenish. In following years they are cover with cracked bark. Blueberries bloom in the second half of May; the berries ripen from July to the end of September. The roots are well-branched, but they are very shallow - this creates the need to pay attention to the moisture of the soil.
3. Soil and climate requirements
Blueberry high grows on humus soils, sufficiently moist and very acidic - a pH of 3.8 to 4.5 (measured in KCl). It fails on soils which are compacted, dry and not sufficiently acidic. It prefers places which are warm, sunny, possibly sheltered from the wind (hedgerows). The content of humus in the soil should be at least 3.5%. The level of ground water should be at a depth of 40-60cm (16-24 inches). If the water is deeper, you may have to irrigate. Blueberry does not tolerate flooded soil, while long flooding causes rootsto die. Shrubs, depending on the variety, tolerate frost in the range of -25 to -34 C -13- -30F)( At lower temperatures, shoots which are above the snow, can freeze , but blueberry quickly rebuilds itself after cutting.
4. Varieties – the garden data
Traditionally, blueberry varieties are divided into early, middle and late. In the early group there are some worth recommending: Earliblue, Patriot, Duke, Spartan. In the middle group there are: Bluecrop, Toro, Bluegold. Among the late group there are: Nelsona, Chandlera, Brigitte, Darrowa. You should not neglect a group of very late varieties, which include Lateblue and Elliot. A variety Bluecrop, for many years has been the plantation base in Poland and the world. Its share is more than 50%.
5. Preparing the field
6. Planting shrubs
Space and distance between rows and bushes should close : 3-3.5 m( 10-12ft) for rows and 0,8-1,2 m (30-45 inches)between plants.
Blueberry is a plant which is self-pollinating to a large extent, but it is advised to plant two varieties – cross-pollination gives better quality fruit.
7. Fertilization and irrigation
Compared to other fruit plants, blueberry has a relatively moderate need for fertilizer . Its fertilization, because of the shallow root system, should be divided into 3 - 4 doses a year.
Fertilization of blueberries mainly supplyies the nitrogen necessary for intensive growth. Nitrogen fertilization in a dose of 30 - 50 kg / ha (65-110 lbs/2 ½ acres)_ should be applied by sprinkling ammonium sulfate during the growing season and urea – during the late autumn, after the end of vegetation. If you fertilize each time you irrigate, the added nitrogen should be balanced with sprinkled fertilizing. Sprinkled supplyof fertilizers containing nitrogen should be completed by early July.
After the completion of sprinkled fertilization when the leaves on the bushes are still green, it is recommended to implement at least one foliar urea treatment.
Another important component of fertilization is magnesium, the lack of which is particularly noticeable on light soils. Magnesium fertilization should be carried out in a single dose of 20 - 80 kg / ha(45-170 lbs/2 ½ acres) depending on the degree of the abundance of soil.
Phosphorus and potassium fertilization takes place once before the setting up a plantation. For several years thereafter, as a rule, there is no need to re-use it. After several years, depending on the degree of abundance of soil, superphosphate and potassium sulphate can be applied/. Both of these fertilizers are applied in the autumn. Fertilizers containing a form of chloride, as well as multi-component fertilizers, should be used only in autumn.
Blueberry fertilization should be based on the analysis of soil and plant material . On the basis of these two studies and inspection of the plantation blueberries can be properly fertilized.
On most plantations, there should be an irrigation system. Typically, it is trickle irrigation-in the form of lengths of garden hose with dispensers ( located as the manufacturer specified) and recommended volume of water. A common mistake in the installation of irrigation is the placing hose dispensers rightt next to a plant in a row (e.g. shrubs are 1m (3 ft) apart , so dispensers are also placed like that). This is a mistake! The aim should be to ensure that the entire row is supplied with water:this will enable the blueberry root system to develop. On lighter soils it is desirable to place dispensers at intervals of 30cm (12 inches), and 50cm (20 inches) on heavier soils. The quality of the water is very important! Hard water, high pH, with a high content of iron, calcium, should be properly prepared.
8. Plant care
This activity is important for several reasons. It enriches the soil with humus, lowers its temperature, has an influence on better water balance, and reduces the existence of weeds.
9. Diseases and pests
In humid weather there can also occur gray mold. One of the preventive activities is strong clearance cutting of shrubs, which enables the drying of leaves and shoots.
Plantations of blueberries are exposed to being gnawed by animals (hares, roe deer), therefore they should be fenced.
In the cover under bushes there voles and mice can occur, so it is best to put perches of 3-4 m( 10-12ft high) with a crossbar on which birds of prey can perch.. When there are a lot of these pests, the solution would be to insert poison baits into the holes.
As for insects, there may occur aphids, erence, gall mite, cockchafer – however, they are quite rare.
10. Harvesting
The fruit ripens unevenly and therefore we collect them 3-4 times with a couple of days’ interval. Fruit can survive in the cold room for a few or more days.
Krzysztof Botul